First up, there is one very important item you'll be needing.. a magnet
- Very light
- Doesn't stick to a magnet
- Doesn't rust
- If chipped, leaves a saw edge
- Heavy
- Sticks to magnet
- Rusts
- Strong
- Common
- Yellow-ish if high in zinc, otherwise reddish
- Doesn't stick to magnet
- Doorknobs are usually brass/bronze
- Doesn't stick to magnet
- Reddish Brown
- Oxidizes into green
- Found in wires and electronics
- Copper #1 = Clean Copper
- Copper #2 = Painted Copper
- Light Copper or Copper #3 = Copper Sheeting
- VERY HEAVY, two tablespoons can weigh over a pound
- Expensive! A pound goes for about 7$
- Super strong
- Makes short, dim, dark red sparks
- Usually found in end mills, saw tips, and tool inserts.
- Very Malleable and Soft
- Very Toxic
- Heavy about 150% denser than iron
- Non-Magnetic
My biggest problem is distinguishing the difference between brass and bronze